Shirley Tempelli Harris

Australian Survivor, Australian Survivor: Titans V Rebels, Drink, TV, TV Recap

Previously on Australian Survivor the Titans were way ahead in the immunity challenge before Jaden Jaden-ed, scoring goal after goal to guarantee the Rebels’ safety. The OG Titans and Kirby’s alliance quickly locked in a plan to split the votes on Feras and Aileen at tribal council, so had a relatively calm afternoon. Sadly for them, at tribal council, JLP unveiled a twist where the tribe would compete in another challenge, with the first three to finish scoring their votes and immunity. Aileen, Kirby and Feras won the challenge, meaning the duo on the outs were now in control. Winna desperately tried to lure the votes to him, so he could idol someone out with Kirby’s vote. Sadly not realising Feras and Aileen could and did split, leading to Charles going home on a revote, keeping King Ray on the screen.

Which again, is v. Shonee coded.

We checked in with the Rebels the next day where Jaden was showing off the island fashions he had woven and was being an all around delight. Even better, he knew it, loving that everyone just thinks he is a charmer and as such, aren’t taking him seriously as a threat. Which for someone that athletic, is a magical win. Back at the Titans, Raymond sacrificed Charles’ socks to the fire and while all the OG Rebels were having a good old laugh. Valeria wasn’t so happy, disappointed that one of their numbers went home. Though grateful Kirby stayed loyal to them and as such, was confident she could ride the remaining numbers to merge. And while they were kinda off Feras, they were more against Aileen as she was too much of a flipper. Aileen caught up with Valeria, Winna and Kirby who continued to berate her for voting with Feras, questioning why she didn’t do exactly what they wanted and play their game, rather than her own. Essentially. Which is just, ugh, TBH.

The Rebels tribe were far more harmonious as they played charades and were all just vibing. Eden was grateful to be in the majority of the tribe and while that was good, he also knew it was time to start thinking a few steps ahead. Mark caught up with Caroline and Kitty to reiterate that he wants to reconcile, and debated the merits of keeping Ri or Alex. With the girls incorrectly suggesting keeping Ri was a good idea, so they can align with her allies, rather than having a free agent in Alex. Caroline and Kitty caught up with Ri, who was busy pointing out that Mark is too much of a threat and would hook back up with Winna and Valeria come the merge, and as such, he needs to go ASAP. And of course Ri is going to orchestrate someone’s exit. Though I guess this time was at least deliberate, rather than her doing something dumb, so that is a win.

My love JLP made his triumphant return for the immunity challenge where the tribes would hold onto ropes over a pyramid, with the last ones standing jagging immunity. Everyone survived phase one with two footholds, so after ten minutes, they moved higher up the pyramid, using a single foothold. This still wasn’t difficult, so at the twenty minute mark, they moved to the top without a foothold. And almost instantly, everyone started to struggle. Mark was first to drop, followed by Caroline and Kirby, the first out from the Titans. Raymond was next to go, followed by Jaden, Winna, Eden, Valeria and Scott, leaving Kelli and Aileen fighting for Titans, against Alex, Kitty and Rianna for the Rebels. Sweat cost Alex his place, followed by Kelli, leaving Aileen battling alone at the 45 minute mark. After an hour and twenty minutes, JLP got bored, so made them go down to a single hand with Kitty and Rianna playing a relaxed approach, while Aileen knotted herself amongst the rope. Which was all it took, as Kitty and Rianna dropped, handing Titans immunity and Aileen the status of challenge beast of the season.

Back at camp Mark was confident the Middle Aged Mafia would hold firm at tribal council, simply needing to pick who goes out of Alex or Rianna. They all caught up by the well, locking in a split between Rianna and Alex, with Alex the ultimate target. Instead of going to loop in Jaden, Caroline and Kitty found Rianna and pledged their loyalty to each other before locking the vote in on Mark, to ensure they can spin the Viola vote however they want. They split up, with Rianna going to share the plan for Jaden and Alex, which honestly seems sloppy, as she is terrible, but she managed not to stuff it up.Yet.

Mark meanwhile was feeling good, grateful that the Middle Aged Mafia were back together and ready to get rid of one of the Rebels. Mark conveniently was involved in most conversations, so the Titans started to get confused about what their real and fake plans were, with things getting a little bit awkward as they caught up in the shelter and Mark started to point out how they kept changing things up. Caroline and Eden caught up, with him confused why they were turning on Mark, so Caroline flip-flopped back to getting them to vote out Alex. While poor sweet Jaden just chuckled along, confused about what in the hell was going on. Though he did rock suspiciously clean hair and clothes in the confessional.

At tribal council Kitty spoke about how they have successfully healed relationships, while Eden spoke about how they have always been playing, despite a nice break from attending tribal council. Mark admitted he was grateful for the time away, and hopeful it let things breathe so they could come up with a solid alliance heading into the merge. Caroline spoke about finding the right time to solidify alliances and making moves, while Alex admitted he is nervous each and every tribal council. While Jaden started whispering with Mark and Kitty, still not sure who he was voting for. This made Mark nervous, as the OG Rebels grew paranoid about what in the hell was going on, before Caroline started whispering to Rianna to let her know that Alex was the target.

Well, that is until JLP announced that the tribal council would play out a little differently tonight. Instead, all names that land in the urn would be at risk of switching over to the Titans. One by one everyone will vote and every name in the urn would then have to draw rocks and the one to draw blue joining the Titans. Everyone split up to start whispering again, with the OG Titans deciding they should load all their votes on Alex given he has less alliances over there. Eden spoke up, pointing out that making the wrong choice could really set someone up for success by solidifying a power alliance. Caroline urged them to stick to the plan, while Kitty admitted that she has no interest in bouncing back to the other side, given life is sweet over here, while Rianna knew she was sweet either way. Alex spoke about being open to flip, given they are a clearly tight five and he is likely to be booted if they go back to tribal. While Mark just worried where Alex’s single vote could land, as Caroline panicked to Eden that Mark is the only person they can’t have going to the Titans.

With that the tribe voted, split between Alex and Rianna, with Alex heading out to join the Titans. Being reunited with his bestie Kelli, which is just so sweet, isn’t it! Presumably there was no screaming like Kelli as he arrived, so we checked in with the Titans the next day as everyone talked about being surprised to see him. Kelli joked that she thought it was a nightmare with their banter quickly turning into an argument and oh god, how I have missed their sexual tension. They then moved on to Kelli lecturing about people finding conflict with trying to rationalise death, as Alex tried to zen through it. Kelli shared it was her son’s 18th birthday, rallying the tribe to celebrate him as she spoke through tears about how much she loves him. And her dog, who is also turning one that day. The tribe then placed flowers in the water for them, which was sweet, as Feras tried not to laugh. Which wasn’t as sweet.

Feras and Raymond pulled Alex aside to give him a tour of the camp, and quickly locked him in as a number for their side. While they were away, Kirby looped in her allies, knowing Alex was a lost cause, so instead threw out idea of getting rid of Raymond. Which thankfully pissed off Kelli, who was not willing to eliminate someone that supported her from day one. Kirby and Valeria tried to talk her through their plans, asking her to think beyond a single tribal council to see the bigger picture. Which made her angrier, given she doesn’t have a relationship with Winna and Val, and it is her son’s birthday. She asked to speak privately with Kirby, cussing her out for getting too close to the Titans and not wanting to budge on saving Raymond. Going so far as to point out the other alliance is growing stronger, implying a flip is afoot.

The tribes reunited with JLP for the latest reward challenge where they wouldn’t compete at all, and instead, all be able to sit down for some food and dranks. Or get a scroll with specific directions to the location of an idol at each camp. Obviously Aileen, Feras and Alex all went for scrolls at Titans, while Rianna, Mark and Eden opted in at Rebels, immediately bouncing from the site. The, I want to say victors, sat down at the table to start smashing their feast, grateful to have some sustenance. Everyone was hugging and introducing themselves, high on snacks and vibing. Well, except for Valeria, who immediately got to work questioning Caroline and Kitty about what happened to Viola. And while Caroline pretended she just played too hard, Kitty was a little more honest and as such, Valeria knew it was bullshit. And vowed to get them out ASAP.

We checked in with the Rebels where they all split up to hunt for the idol, which Rianna quickly snatched as the boys scaled the tree. Which is obviously the worst case scenario for poor Mark, who I am rooting for over Ri, given her decisions are always bad. And smug Kirby isn’t very fun, TBH. Speaking of the current queen of the Titans, she was thrilled to be making new friends and feasting, given she is in control and doesn’t need the idol. Her words. As she watched over everything going on, she spotted Kelli whispering to Kitty about the current state of play on the Titans tribe. Straight up telling Kitty to go for Kirby if she goes home, given she is the one calling the shots. Switching over to those not calling the shots, Feras, Alex and Aileen started hunting for the idol with the former immediately spotting it. Leaving it for the other two to grab, given it is a very public idol and he didn’t want to be a target because of it. Sadly for him, Alex and Aileen just couldn’t see it, until he spoon fed them the idol and let Alex claim it.

Everyone came together for the next immunity challenge where, in the ocean, they would race to collect three balls and land them in baskets, while the other tribe ran interference. Round one saw Mark and Rianna face off against Kirby and Feras, with the duos tying things up at two before doing fierce battle until the Rebels finally scored. And then Ri quickly told Kirby she has the idol. Next was a one on one between Kitty and Aileen, if you could call it that, as Kitty dominated and jagged another point for the Rebels. Winna and Raymond then faced off against Jaden and Mark, which was essentially just Mark shooting hoops and scoring immunity for the Rebels, as Jaden took his sons for a swim.

Back at camp, Kirby was ready to take a shot on Kelli, given her chaos has finally started to impact her game as well as the rest of the tribes. First stop was talking to Scott and Feras, with the latter pointing out Alex got the idol. And to reward the honesty, Scott threw out that they desperately want Kelli out as she is a mess. Particularly since they are going to face off against serious gamers at the merge, making Kirby finally realise that they need to work together. Everyone locked in the plan to get rid of Kelli while Raymond played babysitter. After he let her run free, she started to worry that there is potential for a blindside, so got to work hunting for an idol. She then looped him in, essentially telling him he owes her and requested he hunts for an idol for her. Thankfully, once she left,  he opted to just sit down in the jungle and relax a little.

With everyone finally feeling cohesive, Kirby decided it was time to Kirby, and create chaos with a little flip. She pulled the OG Titans aside to tell them they need to make Alex and Feras nervous enough to play their idols, while still loading all their votes on Kelli to send her home. Just to help lessen their threat moving forward. Winna and Scott were then sent to start confusing Feras, making him feel like the simple vote is just a cover. So he split off to spy on them to try and get to the bottom of it. Though given how confident everyone is about the idols being flushed, I am hopeful it bombs. Like, it isn’t the mastermind move they are making out, ok? Aileen caught up with Feras to encourage him to hold on to his idol, though his nerves only appeared to get worse and worse. He went to go find Raymond to help calm himself, as Feras spoke about being sure something was afoot. As King Ray assured him he has heard nothing. While sitting alone in the jungle. Feras then went to Alex, not wanting to play his idol, as Alex tried to rationalise that it is worth the risk to hold onto it. 

At tribal council Kirby spoke about taking up the chance for food because she was starving, and a public idol makes for a public target. Feras spoke about how an extra day is always more powerful, despite missing the chance to make new friends. Alex spoke about how chaotic things were back at camp, and how he intended to play the idol to be here in the morning. Feras shared he felt there were too many unnecessary chats happening around camp and as he wasn’t sure what they were about, he was nervous. Kirby continued to sow chaos, making both the boys nervous and ugh, she is going to pull this off, isn’t she? Kelli meanwhile started to talk about how she ended her alliance as she was sick of following along with things and didn’t want to lose a friend. This fired up Valeria, who called her out for throwing them under the bus at the feast, pointing out that that is why she is now the target. As Valeria scoffed at the prospect of Kelli being strategic, given she is chaos.

Kirby pointed out that Kelli’s behaviour at the lunch is what put her on the outs, while Kelli countered she had already removed herself from the alliance, so it doesn’t matter. As Valeria and Kirby grew more and more sassy. While Alex was just glad to see somebody else coming for Kelli. With that the tribe voted, both boys held on to their idols – pissing off Kirby enough to get her nice and shady with Kelli, telling her Alex would never play an idol for her, when she asked – and Kelli was unanimously sent home. Well, eventually, after forgetting her torch, announcing she is a psychologist and then missing the exit. No joke.

As she arrived at Loser Lodge, I pulled Kelli in for a massive hug, thanking her for single-handedly bringing the drama and chaos to the pre-merge. And for defying expectations to give us four weeks of her majesty. Kelli being Kelli, she pointed out my speedo tan – which TBH, is my fault, I was wearing it at night in a kitchen – before we had a good laugh about all the excitement she brought to the game. As it slowly became clear, Kelli was doing what Phillip Sheppard should have, playing annoying and silly to make it to the end, before outing herself as a mastermind. And while that still may not have worked, I counter the Tobias vote proved she knew what she was doing. Which was a word for word quote from my toast, over a Shirley Tempelli Harris.

What a Shirley Temple lacks in liquor, Kelli and I make up for with unlimited energy which is prone to annoying people. This sweet little number is a fresh little burst that can get you through the darkest of days, like knowing Kelli just missed the merge. Which would have been even more iconic for our icon.


Shirley Tempelli Harris
Serves: 1.

150ml ginger ale, plus extra to top
30ml lime juice
15ml grenadine
1 maraschino cherry, to garnish

Fill a glass with ice, and top with the ginger ale and lime juice. Slowly add the grenadine and garnish with the maraschino cherry before topping with extra ginger ale.

Down and repeat, depending on thirst.

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