Breakfast Hamburger Helpa Love

Breakfast, Main, RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under, RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under 3, TV, TV Recap

Previously on Drag Race Down Under the dolls lined up to write another little verse as they competed in the Girl Groups challenge. This time inspired by our Nicole’s hit movie, BMX Bandits. Even more unhinged than the last two seasons, the song BMX Bitches was a glorious ‘80s inspired bop. Team Challenge Winners (minus Ashley) were mostly feeling confident, while Team Ashley and The Rest were a bit of a mess. Bumpa struggled with choreo and Ashley was in her head, while poor Flor desperately tried to hold it together. Hollywould meanwhile was the Beyonce of the other better group, and took out her second win of the season. Flor was obviously deemed safe leaving Bumpa to battle against Ashley and send her home to join the win-to-elim club.

Backstage Hollywould was surprised by how much she was missing Ashley already, while Bumpa was stressed about the fact the judges don’t think she is confident. Isis meanwhile was focused on the fact that Ashley joined the win to elim club and as such, worried that it meant anyone could go home. Specifically, I assume, her. Hollywould turned their attention to the positive, thrilled to be the first one to collect two wins, while Flor just wanted to get one and Gabriella was worried about going from strength to strength to jag another win.

The next day the dolls were thrilled when they realised they had officially made the top five, before talk turned to who hasn’t lip synced yet. With SNS thrilled to have not had that bother as Gabriella and Isis just wanted to keep avoiding landing in the bottom. Which means one of them is literally lip syncing tonight, no? Right on cue, Ru dropped by to announce that for this week’s maxi challenge the dolls would be hosting a Drag Brunch Talent Show and as the winner of the last challenge, Hollywould would have the honour of selecting the running order.

After Ru departed, the dolls split up to kiki, with Hollywould confident in her opera skillz, Gabriella her pro-hula hooping background, Isis was keeping her plans a secret while Bumpa was confidently doing stand up. Something she has never done before. Gabriella sweetly suggested that stand up rarely goes over well and maybe she should do something safer. Something which proved even sweeter once Bumpa ran one of her jokes past the dolls because it was a mess. Bumpa gurl, you’re in danger. Talk turned to the running order with Bumpa sharing that she was desperate to open, while on the other hand, Gabriella was happy with anything and Hollywould felt she would make a lovely showstopper.

The dolls joined Rhys and Bree Tomasel on the mainstage to rehearse, with Rhys concerned that Gabriella’s act was one note, given she isn’t actually a professional hula hooper as she told the dolls. And was just going to gag around. Flor was going to honour her nursing skills with a CPR set and while it appeared to confuse them, the fact that she plans to teach a real skill makes me hopeful she will pull it off. Isis was going deep, talking about weathering the storm that is mental health, which meant she had to navigate the change between the energies. Bumpa had the duo laughing at the start, despite the lack of jokes. And while Hollywould’s singing was hidden from us, she did assure the duo that she is thrilled by the prospect of being shady with the order but also didn’t want to leave it to become a shit show. Literally.

Backstage Hollywould put the dolls out of their misery, announcing that Isis would be opening the show, followed by Bumpa, then Flor, Gabriella and that she would be closing it herself. Which was her final decision. That is, until Isis suggested the energy of her performance would best sit in the middle, so she offered it to Gabriella instead. While Bumpa grew more and more enraged by the fact she wanted to open the show, but clearly wasn’t viewed as strong enough by Hollywould. She, though, calmly explained her rationale and all’s well that ends well, it seems.

Elimination Day arrived with Isis exhausted from all the rehearsal, while Gabriella admitted she had a good sleep and plans to wing it opening the show. As they split up to beat their mugs, we had another bug visitor before Flor opened up to Hollywould about how nervous she is to perform live on the mainstage while the latter assured her that she has so much charisma, that she just needs to have fun and believe in herself. Bumpa and Gabriella meanwhile were speaking about needing to prove themselves. Hollywould meanwhile asked Gabriella the origin story of her name, which came from a stoner saying they felt like Gabriella Labucci one night and after googling the name and finding there was no such person, she snatched it for her character. Flor then opened up that hers came from her biological mother, who died bringing her into the world and hot damn, I am crying. It is beautiful to see the dolls rally around her as she broke down in tears.

Ru, Michelle and Rhys were joined on the panel by Amy Taylor who is essentially Gabriella Labucci, for those that are unfamiliar. Speaking of Gabriella, she opened the Drag Brunch giving stupid hula hooping and while it was fun for 20 seconds, it was kind of a bomb. Bumpa meanwhile was a mess, relying on Ru to prompt the entire set and well, that made it funny. Flor by comparison slayed, giving jokes, silliness and useful health education. It was unexpected, smart and so much fun, so I love her. Isis meanwhile was a consummate professional – did I just jinx her?! – as she gave a moving, meaningful and a little sexy lip sync performance. And then Hollywould opened with a little opera before lip syncing to an original song and she was so good, Bumpa adorably just spoke about how talented she is in her confessional.

On the Not in My Backyard BBQ runway Gabriella served sexy, slutty tomato sauce, Bumpa gave bad Sandy, Flor was a beautiful burnt BBQ in yellow, Isis gave The Nanny does Looking for Alibrandi while Hollywould was stunning in an inflatable pool gown.

The judges lived for Gabriella and her glamour on the runway, though felt her talent show was undercooked. Badly. Bumpa too was read for being confusing as hell in the performance though they loved her runway, despite it not really making sense for the category. Flor received wall to wall praise, particularly since she is such a caring nurse. Isis meanwhile was totally beloved and cemented herself as the frontrunner while the former frontrunner’s singing was beloved, though there wasn’t enough. While Michelle desperately wanted to see more of who she is, given she appears to be quite guarded.

Backstage Flor was thrilled to clearly be one of the top queens, as Hollywould congratulated her and Isis for slaying the challenge. Bumpa and Gabriella meanwhile were ready to lip sync, given it is very clear they were in the bottom. Gabriella though was worried about the fact the judges aren’t seeing who she is, which is something that also worried Hollywould. With Flor, who has English as a second language, explaining that Ru doesn’t want her to be an extrovert, just to let her guard down.

Ultimately Flor had to settle for safe as Isis claimed her second win, before Hollywould was deemed safe. She then went unsafe, asking Ru what she wants to see from her, with her asking Hollywould to pull down the wall as it is what she needs, not just to succeed, but for a happy life. After making her way to the back of the stage, Gabriella and Bumpa lined up for the lip sync – as expected – and as soon as Jet’s 20 YEAR OLD Are you Gonna Be My Girl kicked off, it was clear our Italian queen was not going anywhere. She had all the energy, she was camp and she was flipping in every direction, and while Bumpa was a star, it wasn’t enough to save her as she exited with her head held high and praising the crew like a kind, hardworking icon.

As she arrived backstage, I pulled her in for a massive hug, assuming that praising the crew was essentially just a comment targeted at me, given I cook 10 meals per season. I mean, talk about a hardworking icon, no? Given Bumpa is obviously on the fast track to a vs The World season, I assured her that she has the chops for victory given she is so charismatic. So instead, focus on earning the coin to upgrade the wardrobes and she will coast even further into our hearts like Down Under’s version of Alyssa Edwards or Katya. And while she waits, well, she can smash a bowl of Breakfast Hamburger Helpa Love.

Yes, yes – this is just another one of my crack an egg on it and called it breakfast recipes. But the fact that they are simple – or lazy – shouldn’t matter, only that they taste delicious and fill you with joy. And, make good use of leftovers.


Breakfast Hamburger Helpa Love
Serves: 2.

2 serves Irene HamduBois Helper
1 tbsp butter
2 eggs
kosher salt and pepper, to taste

Cook (or reheat) the hamburger helper per Irene’s recipe.

Pop the butter in a skillet over medium heat and once foaming, crack the eggs in and fry until the white are set. Sprinkle with a good whack of salt and pepper, and remove from the heat.

Divide the hamburger helper between two bowls, top each pile with an egg and then devour, joyously.

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