Chorlizo Sherriedan

12 days of Festivus for the rest of us, Party Food, Side, Snack, Tapas

After spending the day reminiscing with Barns yesterday – after kicking the 12 days of Festivus off with Jase and Heids earlier in the week – I thought it was time to reach out to my frenemy Liz Sheridan and put an end to our feud once and for all.

I mean, why can’t we have a Festivus miracle.

You see, Liz famously dated James Dean way back when until he ‘went off to work in a successful play.’ The play he was in, was actually a player … and that player was me. This set off an epic feud that lasted decades, culminating in a brutal fist fight in the set of Jerry’s apartment.

Barney being Barney, he tried to help us sort through our issues and put an end to the drama. While he was successful at moving us into the realm of frenemies, our relationship has never been the best.

While she was a bit hesitant to take me up on the offer, I eventually wore her down … and boy am I grateful.

We laughed, we cried and we finally worked through all our dramas by airing grievances, finishing the date holding each other, grateful for our renewed friendship … and the big bowl of Chorlizo Sherriedan we devoured.



Meaty, sweet and a little bit boozed, this baby is the perfect way to both honour our mutual ex and set us on the path to renewed friendship. In a festive manner, of course.




Chorlizo Sherriedan
Serves: 4-6.

500g chorizo, thickly sliced
¼ cup sherry
1 tbsp muscovado sugar

Heat a frying pan over medium heat and cook the chorizo for a couple of minutes or until crisp and starting to char.

Add the sherry and muscovado and sook for a further couple of minutes, stirring to coat, until the liquor has reduced to create a sticky coating.

Devour as part of a tapas selection … or on their meaty lonesome.


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12 days of Festivus, for the rest of us

12 days of Festivus for the rest of us, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Get out your longest, hardest pole and prepare to air some grievances because Festivus is almost here!

Yes, that’s right – after surviving Christmas in 2014, checking in with the Kardashians in 2015 and celebrating everything hybrid with Chrismukkah last year, we’ve decided to mark this year’s festive season by celebrating nothing.

Join us tomorrow as we kick off our countdown to Christmas with the stars of the greatest show of all time Seinfeld.

Welcome to the 12 days of Festivus, for the rest of us.

Image source: NBC.


As you can probably tell, we are very social but the fun isn’t only limited to celebrities! You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.