Braised Briskarmack

12 Days of Chrismukkah, Main

At the risk of sounding like the whore of Chrismukkah, my dear friend Chris and I started off as lovers – he put the Chris in my mukkah, if you will – which makes me extremely thankful, a little surprised and at the same time disappointed, that none of the cast fought over me on set.

Our love quickly blossomed when he guested on my dear friend Amy Sedaris’ classic Stranger’s with Candy but after a few torrid months we realised we were better off as friends and parted ways.

A few years later and fresh out of rehab, I wanted to show him how much I had grown and how mature I now was and pushed for him to be welcomed to The O.C.


Despite being the first to leave the series, Chris’ career went from strength to strength co-starring in the hit Amanda Bynes film Love Wrecked, the TV movie Beauty & the Briefcase, an episode of Desperate Housewives and more recently, a starring role in Nashville.

Which is actually good.

Given his commitments to the latter, Chris and I haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. It was such a treat to reconnect and get the inside scoop on what will become of Rayna and her hair … and celebrate the more -mukkah side of Chrismukkah with my Braised Briskarmack.




To be honest, I have no idea if this meal comes close to being kosher … but I assume if you’re celebrating a hybrid holiday, you probably aren’t too staunch on eating kosher. I did avoid cooking the delicate brisket and sweet, creamy mushrooms together though.

That counts for something, right? RIGHT?

Oy – enjoy!




Braised Briskarmack
Serves: 6.

10 cloves garlic
4 sprigs rosemary, leaves removed and roughly chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
olive oil
1.5kg beef brisket
a couple each of celery stalks, onions and carrots, roughly chopped\
2 cups red wine
800g canned chopped tomatoes
small handful of parsley
small bunch of thyme, a few sprigs reserved for the mushrooms
500g button mushrooms, quartered
1 cup beef stock
3 tbsp horseradish cream
½ cup sour cream

Preheat the oven to 160°C.

Place half the garlic and all the rosemary in a mortar and pestle with a good pinch of salt and pepper and crush until a paste forms. Transfer to a bowl, combine with a generous lug of oil and rub over both sides of the brisket.

Heat a lug of oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat and sear either side of the meat for a few minutes. Chuck in the veggies, wine, canned tomatoes and herbs and stir gently to combine.

Place the lid on firmly and transfer to the oven, baking for about 4 hours. Check every hour or so to ensure there is enough liquid and to keep the meat covered – which I rarely would support. Once the meat is tender, transfer it to a board and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

While it is resting, get to work on the mushrooms by heating a lug of oil in a large pan over medium heat. Reduce to low and add the remaining garlic – which you will have minced but I forgot to tell you – mushrooms and the leaves from the extra thyme sprigs and cook for about five minutes, or until browned and soft. Add the stock, turn the heat up to medium-high and simmer for about ten minutes, or until reduced and slightly thickened. Add the horseradish, sour cream and cooking liquid and cook, stirring, for five minutes. Remove from the heat and season to taste.

Slice the brisket into diagonal slices and serve with some latkes, topped with the mushrooms.


As you can probably tell, we are very social but the fun isn’t only limited to celebrities! You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+.

Pumpkin and Baconnie Britton Muffins

Baking, Breakfast, Side, Snack

Don’t you hate a tease?

I mean, I know I dragged Con out for a catch-up to give me the goss about her Nashville departure and then gloated about it to you, but since I can’t actually share said spoilers with you I’ve acted like a tease, so I’m sorry. Kind of.

Either way, you’re just going to have to move on, ok?

I first met Con in the late 80s while she was studying at the Beijing Normal University. I was in the midst of yet another of my educational institution scams but abandoned the grifting to form a friendship with Con and Kirsten Gillibrand.

Fun fact, it was I that pushed for Con to get into acting and after she graduated we moved to New York, where she studied theatre and I studied the male form in the meat packing district.

After falling out briefly in the early 90s, I won her back over after recommending her to my dear friend Michael J. Fox for a role in Spin City and I’m very proud to say that we’ve been trouble free ever since.

Con was exhausted when she arrived – which was to be expected after I pulled her off set after an all night shoot – but knew that my potential Rayna-less induced panic couldn’t be quelled by anything but time with her.

Oh and a batch of my Pumpkin and Baconnie Britton Muffins.




You could be forgiven for assuming that I’m a huge fan of the muff, given my penchant for posting recipes this week … but there is truly nothing Con and I would rather share. Salty, sweet and earthy, these muffs are wholly satisfying as a quick breakfast, light snack or full meal if you down the entire batch.

No judgement, just enjoy.




Pumpkin and Baconnie Britton Muffins
Makes: 6 Texan, 12 normal.

2 cups butternut pumpkin, diced
6 rashers streaky bacon, finely diced
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
salt and pepper, to season
3 eggs
3 rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and finely chopped
½ cup extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for pumpkin
½ cup milk of your choice
150g firm Goat’s cheese, crumbled

Preheat your oven to 180ºC.

Place the pumpkin on a lined baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and bake for about 20 minutes, or until soft and starting to caramelised. Remove from the oven, keeping it on, and cool.

Meanwhile, heat a small frying pan over medium heat and cook the bacon, stirring, until crisp and brown. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

When everything is getting hella chilled, combine flour, bakings powder and soda, salt and pepper together in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, give the eggs a good whisk before adding the rosemary, oil and milk. Fold the wet ingredients throw the dry and then fold through the pumpkin, bacon and feta.

Divide the mixture evenly amongst a lined muffin tray and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.

Devour warm, slathered in butter.


As you can probably tell, we are very social but the fun isn’t only limited to celebrities! You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+.

Clear eyes, full head of hair, can’t lose

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

There has been much talk in the last week about my dear friend Connie Britton’s reduced role in the upcoming season of Nashville and while I love Con dearly, I almost think I love Queen Ranya and her relationship with lil JuJu B-arnes more.

To put my mind at ease – I haven’t slept since I first caught wind of the rumours – I decided to pull her from the set to catch-up and fill me in on all of the goss from the upcoming season.

She knows I’d never spill a secret, so I don’t see it being a massive issue!

What can I make to soften her up while simultaneously paying tribute to her luscious, shampoo commercial-esque locks?

Image source: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images.


As you can probably tell, we are very social but the fun isn’t only limited to celebrities! You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+.